On Point: Georgia Artist Bucky Bowles

August 20, 2020 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Uncategorized

Bucky Bowles is a full-time artist who grew up camping, hunting and fishing in southwest Georgia.

As the son of a photographer and avid angler, he was exposed to nature’s beauty at an early age and quickly became a fan of sporting artists Bob Kuhn, Ogden Pleissner, and A.L. Ripley. Today Bowles’ paintings reflect his continuing love for nature and outdoor life, as well as depict many of his own hunting and fishing experiences.

Although sporting art—primarily bird hunting and fly fishing—remains Bowles’ passion, he paints other subjects, ranging from marsh and low-country landscapes to gun dogs and water scenes. Each year he also paints a number of plantation hunt and sporting dog commissions, and his work hangs in some of the finest homes and offices in the country.

His galleries include The Sportsman’s Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina and John Collette Fine Art in Cashiers, North Carolina.

View some of his works below and see more buckybowles.com