My oeuvre centers around ideas on visual cognition.
My work currently follows two separate, yet linked, directions – building abstract marks into recognizable imagery and using outlined silhouettes of animals to illicit an emotional connection with the work.
The process by which we recognize and understand silhouettes is passed down from our earliest ancestors. There is a dedicated link between our ability to recognize animal shapes and the emotional part of our brain that controls our fight or flight instincts. This link is powerful, potent, and crucial to our development as a species. It dominates our earliest forms of art in caves and rock art across the world, particularly in the prevalence of the profile view and the use of outlines.
I am similarly interested in the iconography of Native American culture as it relates to our heritage and its continued prevalence in pop culture. My approach to the subject matter is one in which the image becomes almost superfluous. The abstraction and color harmonies should become interesting in themselves.