For Andrew, a passion for painting the natural world demonstrated itself at an early age. Growing up in rural Devon, he was drawn to studying wildlife, in particular birds of prey, which remain one of his favourite subject matters. He now resides in a village, situated in the Pennines to the north of Weardale where he draws huge inspiration from the uplands and Grouse moors on his doorstep.
Whilst studying at Exeter College of Art and Design (1987-89), he won a British Association Shooting and Conservation competition for art, whilst also secured his first contract to illustrate Ranulf Raynor’s “The story of the sporting gun” at the tender age of 18. In 1991 Andrew held his first solo exhibition at the National Falconry fair, and has enjoyed much success exhibiting there regularly over subsequent years. It was also here that he met a number of major wildlife artists including Alan Hunt, who became a source of inspiration and guidance for his work.
Several years later his paintings were featured in the very successful book; “Gyrfalcon” by Emma Ford, and most recently have been included in “The Flying of Falcons” by Ed Pitcher and Ricardo Velarde, which is set to become a modern classic. Another is “Peregrines of the World”, with contributing authors include Professor Tom Cade, Professor Clayton White and Jim Enderson. He has also been involved with publications about bird art including “Drawing and Painting Birds’ by Tim Wootton.