Blaine Dabb

Date:January 17, 2019 10:41 am


A graduate of the University of Utah, with a B.S. in Zoology and Entomology, 1967, Blaine retired from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources serving both as a Fishery Biologist for 13 years, and a Conservation Officer for 18 years. During that period, the frequent handling of fish and wildlife afforded him the familiarity necessary to intimately learn the behavior and physiology of most species of wildlife found in the Western United States. Blaine continues to work for wildlife conservation by donating art to groups for revenue enhancement. He annually donates a major art series to Safari Club International, has been recognized as a Featured Artist for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in year 2000, and works with The Federation of North American Wild Sheep, Mule Deer Foundation, North American Turkey Federation and many others. In recent years much of his art feature species of wildlife found in Africa and Asia.

Phone (435) 654-5700
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304 East 100 North
Midway, UT 84049

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