Bucky Bowles

Date:April 24, 2019 1:02 pm


Bucky is a full time artist who grew up camping, hunting and fishing in Southwest Georgia. As the son of a photographer and avid fisherman he was exposed to the beauty of nature and the challenges of the sporting life as a young boy. He enjoyed the art of Bob Kuhn, Ogden Pleissner, A. L. Ripley and others that were in the sporting magazines of the time. Bucky’s paintings reflect his continuing love and appreciation for nature and outdoor life and his many hunting and fishing experiences. Although Sporting Art, primarily bird hunting and fly-fishing, is his passion he paints oils and watercolors of other subject matter ranging from marsh and low country landscapes to dogs and waterscapes. He paints a number of plantation hunt scenes and sporting dog commissions each year and his work is collected by many who enjoy the special touch he adds to each painting. He is honored to have his works hang in some of the finest homes, offices and plantations in our country.

Art galleries that sell his original art are The Sportsman’s Gallery, Charleston, South Carolina; and Paderewski Fine Art, Beaver Creek, Colorado.

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