Chris Chantland

Date:January 18, 2019 10:18 am


By the early 1980’s I was on my own living in Tucson and working the standard 8-5 job which turned out to be very beneficial to an art career I wouldn’t start until 2000. For about 20 years, I seldom did anything with art unless it was specifically for my job. My job involved meeting a lot of the best sporting dogs and trainers in the country. By the end of the 1990’s I was heading to Thomasville, GA on a regular basis and was staying with someone who would become one of my closest friends. Sallie owns a plantation there and always had at least four black labs that were her best friends. Out of gratitude for allowing me to visit so often, I painted a watercolor of one of her favorite labs named Beast. It was the first major painting I did in years, but the first of many I would do going forward.

Since 2000, my main job has been to capture the personality of dogs, horses and their owners in watercolor, graphite or oil. I painted almost every national champion and national amateur retriever champion from 2000 – 2013. I have paintings that are part of the permanent collection of the National Bird Dog Museum in Grand Junction, Tennessee, and in private collections.

I am a Signature Member of the Society of Animal Artists.


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