Dan Genord

Date:January 18, 2019 11:16 am


Dan was born in Michigan and has lived most of his life in the Midwest. Surrounded by beautiful lakes and rivers he has always been a lover of the outdoors. Since his childhood it’s been weekends fishing or hiking to explore. Combine all of this with a love for creating art and you have someone doing exactly what he loves to do,,,telling stories with sculpture of the things he has so much passion for.

Dan knows what he sculpts because it is his own experiences that he pulls inspiration from. It is the tapping into the soul of an experience and creating a sculptural form that tells the story of that experience or the capturing of the spirit of a creature’s moment in time that Dan sets out to do with every sculpture that he creates.

It will be a bronze sculpture to be handed down from generation to generation.

Seeing Bronze as the ultimate sculpture medium, all of Dan’s pieces are created as limited editions through the lost wax casting method. This process is very intense, involving numerous stages and countless hours to complete just a single sculpture. Dan is very hands on and involved with every step of the process. This insures him the highest quality for the end result being a beautiful and timeless piece of art that will tell a story to those who it inspires. It will be a bronze sculpture to be handed down from generation to generation.

Phone 248-513-0614
Website: dangenord.com
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