Diana Reuter-Twining

Date:January 21, 2019 12:43 pm


Having been trained first as an architect and photographer, Diana has the vantage point of an intimacy with space and nature, which is made evident through her use of a bold stroke and a quick eye.

Diana’s interest in art and architecture may have started after she assisted her father on a photographic assignment for the National Geographic. Diana went on to apprentice as a photographer with the magazine. She later became a registered architect.

Her formal studies in art and architecture initially took her to Paris with Hollins College where she received a degree in Art History. She then went on to Catholic University where she received her Masters of Architecture. She studied sculpture at the Corcoran School of Art, Loveland Academy of Fine Arts and Scottsdale Artists’ School.

Living in rural communities in the Southern United States and the American West has given Diana the opportunity to study in detail that which has become the focus of her work; the natural world. Her years in Southern Africa exposed her to the philosophy of conservation science which forever changed her life and has inspired her to catalogue the frail balance of nature and man. Through her art, Diana hopes to engage people in being stewards of the natural world and its habitats.

Diana’s bronzes are found in gardens throughout the United States, Europe, and Africa as well as private collections.

Website: dianareutertwi@aol.com
Contact Form Email


Mailing Address

Diana Reuter-Twining
P.O. Box 552
Aldie, Virginia 20105

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