Gabrielle Matlock

Date:January 25, 2019 10:39 am


While playing professional golf I started paying more attention to the creatures on the golf course than the shot at hand. I knew my life was headed in a new direction. My passion for animals and wildlife is the cornerstone of my artistic endeavors. My empathy for the way most animals are perceived and treated draws me to them.

When I look into the eyes of my subjects I often see the mirror of misunderstanding and lack of appreciation. The renunciation of their character and sensitivity strikes a cord in my own heart. I want to give voice to these beautiful creatures that don’t have one and to finally raise mine in hopes of spreading compassion and understanding.

In the portrayals of my subjects the eyes are the focal point of my art. Through them I strive to bring out the essence and soul of my subjects. In painting the eyes first, the animal comes to life and I’m moved to complete the rest of the painting.

Photographing my subjects has taken me all over the world, the most spiritual for me was Africa. I have observed many animals in the wild. I’m continually amazed by their intelligence, sensitivity, playfulness and extreme dedication to their young. It’s sad to me that few people will have the opportunity to see these animals in real life. I hope my art will portray and convey their magnificence.

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