Gary Eigenberger

Date:January 25, 2019 10:51 am

With a love for nature and the outdoors, and an intriguing interest in three-dimensional sculpture, Gary started sculpturing animals and birds in clay at an early age. His first exhibit was at his local public library at age seven. At age 14, Gary started sculpturing and carving birds out of wood with his only tool then being a pocketknife. Gary started carving seriously in 1987 as he became aware of the deep love he had for wildfowl and the art form. Having vivid impressions from observing nature, coupled with his natural artistic sense of design, intricate detail, and realism, allowed him to create various sculptures that have been on exhibit worldwide. He has received numerous “Best of Show” awards over the years throughout the United States. He has won Best in World title seven times, in the Masters Class 22 1st Best of Show, and in 2002, 2013 and 2019 was awarded first place Peoples Choice Award at the Ward World Wildfowl Carving Championships. He is also a sixteen time Gulf South Champion in the Miniature class and also won the Decorative Life-size purchase award in 2003, 2005, 2011 and 2012 sponsored by ConocoPhillips Petroleum.

Phone (920) 321-8325
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1167 April Lane Green Bay WI 54304

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