Gene Mlekoday

Date:January 25, 2019 11:05 am


From a distance, Gene Mlekoday’s (Mel-ek-oday) finely rendered images of nature show a studied sensitivity to both subject and setting—Canada geese pause serenely in a glassy pool, wary wolves intently study the surroundings from a rocky outcrop, cautious pheasants pause momentarily in a snowy cornfield.

A closer look at these portraits reveals a surprising choice of medium—colored pencil. While equally at home using acrylic, watercolor, gouache, oil, and pen and ink, Gene finds his greatest satisfaction working in colored pencil.

Little known to many collectors, colored pencil is an infinitely challenging medium that can produce highly varied and often surprising results. Working from light to dark, Gene meticulously applies countless layers of color using a wide range of short and long strokes, depending on the desired effect. With the exacting detail a pencil can afford, he creates individual features—from eyes to feathers and fur. By utilizing the soft, pliable quality of the medium he builds up areas of both delicate and deep color that give his intimate vignettes a remarkable richness and luster.

Drawing from a lifetime of experiences in the wild, this Minnesota-native explores a wide range of subject matter in his work—from wolves and songbirds to upland game. His series of works profiling hunting dogs shows his sensitivity to the individual personalities of his subjects, and his recent high placement in regional and national stamp competitions, and  in the Colored Pencil Society of America International show along with Explore This Show has further established him as an artist of note.

Schooled at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Gene enjoyed a thirty-year career as a graphic designer and prepress and print specialist. Despite the demands and challenges of his profession, he still continued to pursue his passion for art. Now self-employed, Gene often can be found putting the finishing touches on a work in progress, sketching notes for a future commission, or out in the field exploring little-known areas in his favorite wilderness haunts.

Phone Ph: (763) 439-9705
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3923 Upton Ave. N.
Minneapolis, Mn 55412

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