Guy Coheleach

Date:January 11, 2019 11:05 am

Along with over a hundred one-man commercial shows in various cities, Guy Coheleach’s work has been exhibited in the National Collection of Fine Art, The White House, The Corcoran Gallery, and the Royal Ontario Museum. Visiting heads of State have received his American Eagle print, and he was the first Western artist to exhibit in Peking after World War II. In 1995 his exhibition was hosted by The Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh and in 1996 by the Newark Museum.

Guy Coheleach’s paintings have received the Society of Animal Artists’ Award of Excellence an extraordinary eight times. This most prestigious honor is awarded by the curators and professors of fine art from museums and universities across America. He received the celebrated Master Artist Medal from the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in 1983, one of only nine artists both living and dead so honored at the time.

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