Heiner Herting

Date:January 28, 2019 10:55 am

Heiner embraces the visual arts in many different forms, may it be colorful oil paintings, sensitive watercolors or pastels, monumental bronze or wood sculptures and even jewelry. Heiner puts all his creativity into it. Having drawn and painted since his early childhood in his native Germany, his logical choice for his career was something in the visual arts. Being realistic about potential earnings he chose commercial art and advertising. After completing an apprenticeship in a graphic studio in Hamburg, he decided it was time to see the world.

A trip to the United States made him realize that he had found his other love of open spaces, wildlife and nature. After a short stint as a commercial artist in New York he moved to Detroit where the auto industry employed some of the best illustrators and artists for their advertising. After joining a studio and working for 20 years he ended up owning his own. When computers started to replace brushes and paint he decided to just paint and sculpt for pleasure. Heiner had always painted fine art pieces throughout his commercial life so the transition was easy. Multiple first places in national art competitions, featured artist honors and seven conservation stamp wins convinced galleries to represent Heiner. From intricate detailed realism to bold colorful impressionistic paintings nothing in the arts seemed to be off limits to Heiner. His many collectors realized this and allow him to enjoy a prosperous career.

Website: heinerhertlingart.com
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Mailing Address

642 Kinght Street, Milford, MI, 48381

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