James Marsico

Date:January 7, 2019 1:22 pm

James has been a full-time artist and sculptor since 1970. James works out of his studio and gallery, Mountain Valley Artistry, in Powell, Wyoming, which is in the heart of the Rocky Mountains by Yellowstone National Park.

James has been been honored with several fine art awards, and he has completed several monument size bronze sculpture editions. He welcomes commission work. James has national and international collectors. Number one of his life-size elk monument bronze “Yellowstone Bull” was shipped to a collector in Geneva, Switzerland. His monument sculptures can be found from coast to coast. He recently completed several life-size sculptures for the Grand Teton Visitors Center in the Jackson Hole town of Moose, Wyoming.

In addition, museums, including the Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., display some of his work. At the Smithsonian, he directed the mounting and installation of a pronghorn antelope taxidermy diorama. This diorama includes the life-size custom mounts of a complete family of pronghorns.

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#5 Road 2AB, Suite 116
Cody, WY 82414
