K. Karryl

Date:February 4, 2019 11:51 am

One of the wonderful privileges I enjoy as an artist is the ability to create my world. By sharing that world with others, I can bring to them an awareness of the joy and wonder I derive from the real world. Most of my sculptures exhibit a sense of whimsey. Some appear exaggerated with elongated limbs, lots of texture and unique patinas.

The animals that inhabit my world are creatures that have some significance for me. In most cases I have visited them in their natural habitats including areas of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. I love exploring our national parks, coast lands and zoos. All are wonderful sources of inspiration. Of course, I never overlook what’s going on right in my own backyard.

I make a thorough study of my subjects including behavior and anatomy. I take that information along with of my feelings for the subject, roll it around inside me and create.

My sculptures are bronze, created by using the lost wax process. I start by creating an armature using a flexible aluminum wire that allows me to twist and turn my subjects into their unique expressive poses. The characters are then built up using small pieces of soft oil based clay. I work loosely. The direction and intensity of the clay is related to the structure of the animal, the movement and the emotion being portrayed.

The collection of information, the creation of the sculpture are all exciting, but where it all comes together is in the sharing and presentation of my work. I know I have touched someone when they come by, laugh or smile, and can’t resist reaching out to feel the texture or pick up a 4 ½ inch baby elephant. There’s also the reaction when they come nose to nose with a 4 ½ foot tall Cheetah looking out into the horizon to find his Wildebeest.

Karryl’s award winning sculptures have been shown in invitational and juried shows across the country including the Miniatures and More show at the National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, WY, Colorado Governor’s Invitational; Artists for the New Century, Bennington Center for the Arts; Art of the Animal Kingdom, Bennington, VT.; Southeastern Wildlife Exposition, Charleston, SC.; Loveland Invitational Sculpture Show, CO.; and the Waterfowl Festival, Easton Md. She was chosen as one of the Artists For The New Century in Bennington, VY. Karryl’s work has been featured in U.S. Art magazine Aug. 2000, InformArt magazine fall 2003 and winter 2005, Wildlife Art in Nov./Dec. 2003 and Southwest Art July 2004.

Karryl is a signature member of the Society of Animal Artists, and Artists for Conservation.

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1313 Monongahela Boulevard, White Oak, PA

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