Karl Lansing

Date:January 15, 2019 11:17 am



When you look at a Karl Lansing piece of art and feel the life in the eyes, or hear the bugle of the elk, or smell the earth around you, then Karl feels his work is done.

Karl is an avid outdoorsman and sports enthusiast, as well as a family man. Sculpting has become a natural extension for him to portray the impact that wilderness and wildlife have in his life. He thoroughly enjoys the challenging and ever changing career that he has chosen.

Karl has been a taxidermist since the age of 12 and has therefore studied animals inside and out. This knowledge and ability gives him that extra expertise to create truly detailed sculptures. He has also worked as a guide outfitter off and on for 35 years. These walks of life combined, give him a constant saturation of wildlife surrounding him.

Karl, along with his wife, Louise, are ready and willing to work with you on your next sculpture to adorn your home or office. Contact us for further information.

Phone (250) 428-8614
Website: bronzewildlifesculptures.com
Contact Form Email


Mailing Address

4584 48th Street, Canyon,

