Kay Witherspoon was trained as an art educator, took instruction from Robert Bateman, Greg Beacham, Simon Coombs, and John Banovich, yet is primarily self-taught. She has been identified as “One of the premier equine painters in America” (Coast Magazine, SC) and painter of “…the best horses I’ve ever seen painted” (Robert Bateman, credited as being the most influential wildlife painter of all time by art historian and curator, David Wagner).
Kay is a traditional realist painter whose work is distinctive for its luminous bold color, its accuracy in detail and form, it’s perspective and composition. Witherspoon credits the techniques of the Venetian oil masters and of 19th and 20th century classical traditionalists, and their layering, glazing, and scumbling techniques for the luminous quality in her work. She utilizes her own photography and field studies as well as her experiences for her action oriented inspirations.