Kim Donaldson Gallery

Date:April 16, 2019 10:54 am


Forty years of traveling the wilderness areas of Africa do classify Kim Donaldson as an adventurer. This ongoing journey has resulted in some of the purest art to ever come from this continent and Kim prides himself in the respect he has earned from his fellow artists. The life he has chosen has not brought him wealth simply because he measures success at a different level. Artist, sculptor and published author are but a few titles he can lay claim to but he does so without boasting and self-promotion.

For 30 years Kim’s artwork has been exhibited in some of the most prestigious galleries in Europe, Britain and the United States. Fellow exhibitors have included the most celebrated artists of our time. Although he resided in America for many years, he never left his homeland, returning every year for extended safaris to the most remote areas of Africa. His highly acclaimed and award winning book, Africa: An Artist’s Journal, was a direct result of these trav

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