The Plainsmen Gallery was established in 1982 amidst many questions of “Why have a Western art gallery in Florida?” For many years our family has traveled through the west. We fell in love with the breathtaking scenery, the people, the artwork and the romance of the West. After returning from one of our trips, we knew that what was missing in Florida was a place where one could go to see quality Western art and re-live those pleasant memories. After much research and a lot of help from several well known artist friends, the Plainsmen Gallery was born. Fortunately, many people felt as we did about the west, because the gallery has prospered and grown. Many fine artists have been added, and we have expanded the variety of the art offered to include Wildlife and Florida Art. We are committed to offering the finest quality art at fair prices. If you haven’t been in to see the gallery, come to one of our many art shows or just drop in to say hello. You are sure to be pleasantly surprised. For those of you who are unable to visit us, use our website as an introduction to our many fine artists. We think of our customers as our friends, so call us anytime and let us assist you in selecting a beautiful piece of art for your home or office.