Christine Graefe Drewyer

Email: [email]
Christine Graefe Drewyer


Painting for me is a celebration of beauty and creation.

The work is a spiritual discipline and the making of art a
Sacred expression.

I was raised in a family of eight, the second child of six
Daughters.  We grew up in the country, with lots of trees
And our own garden.  We had a pet Black Angus cow
Named Girl, and a hound dog named Elvis.  There were
Numerous other barnyard pets as well.  We always seemed
To have plenty of time for and with each other.

In our fast-paced world and confusing times, our vision is
Easily clouded to the simple things that really matter: clean
Air and water, the farms and open spaces of our world
And, of course, our precious families.

I find great joy in painting the powerful tranquility of the
Rural American landscape or the beautiful, peaceful beasts
Of our planet.  Hopefully we will always reside in a world
Where we can enjoy these simple pleasures.

If I am a successful artist, the paintings I create will
Transport the viewer beyond the senses, free of thought
And self-consciousness.  The paintings then become an
Instrument through which the viewer and the artist
Glimpse the joyful oneness of which we are all a part.

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